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The Wind Park_edited.jpg

"Wind Valley"

Leveraging a Wind Turbine Landscape

Final Project | B.L.A. Program, Technion
Location | Golan Heights
4th Year | 2022 - 2023

Midgets Garden

Wind turbines have become a part of our landscape and will be increasingly so until future solutions enable us to dismantle them. This project proposes to leverage an existing Turbine Farm into a National Park where the turbines are transformed into a celebration. 


The Turbines hold unique qualities - standing under a 150m tall turbine, or amidst a huge forest of them, is an inspiring experience and gives a sense of tininess. In the same breath, the turbines manifest the powerful yet invisible force of nature that drives them – the wind.  Wind creates climate, shapes the world and connects its parts without boundaries.


Using the roads paved for building and maintaining the turbines as an accessible foundation, the project offers a network of movement that invites people to visit the farm and the natural, historical and legacy sites spread throughout it.

The strategic plan also lays a foundation for local businesses and employment opportunities.


In a remaining open vista at the heart of the Farm, the project offers a Wind Park.  Strong winds have blown through the Valley since the dawn of history, and will continue to blow after the age of turbines.  This is an opportunity to create a unique site in which the visitor is invited to pay attention to the wind, to experience it and to learn about it, its functions in nature and the climate systems of our region.

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